Kamis, 21 November 2013

The Script->>For The First Time

Mari putar lagunya...,,lihat liriknya di sini, kita nyayikan bersama-sama. The Script salah satu band favoritku, suasana hati, waktu, dan tempat seperti apapun tidak mempengaruhi tema lagu apa yang mau saya dengar. Semua the Script nyanyikan dan buat apapun saya suka. 

For The First Time
 By : The Script

She's all laid up in bed with a broken heartWhile I'm drinking Jack all alone in my local bar and we don't know howHow we got into this mad situation, only doing things out of frustrationTrying to make it work, but, man, these times are hard

She needs me now but I can't seem to find the timeI got a new job now on the unemployment line and we don't know howHow we got into this mess, is it God's test? Someone help us 'cause we're doing our bestTrying to make things work, but, man, these times are hard

But we're gonna stop by drinking our cheap bottles of wineSit talking up all night, saying things we haven't for a while, a while, yeahWe're smiling but we're close to tears, even after all these yearsWe just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time

She's in line at the dole with her head held highWhile I just lost my job but didn't lose my pride, and we both now howHow we're going to make it work when it hurts, when you pick yourself up you get kicked to the dirtTryin' to make it work, but, man, these times are hard

But we're gonna start by drinking our cheap bottles of wineSit talking up all night, doing things we haven't for a while, a while, yeahWe're smiling but we're close to tears, even after all these yearsWe just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time

Drinking our cheap bottles of wineSit talking up all night, saying things we haven't for a while, a while, yeahWe're smiling but we're close to tears, even after all these yearsWe just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time

For the first timeOh, for the first timeYeah, for the first timeWe just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time

Oh, these times are hard, yeah, they're making us crazyDon't give up on me, babyOh, these times are hard, yeah, they're making us crazyDon't give up on me, baby

Oh, these times are hard, yeah, they're making us crazyDon't give up on me, babyOh, these times are hard, yeah, they're making us crazyDon't give up on me, baby


"Summertime of Our Lives"- Cody Robert Simpson

Cody Robert Simpson adalah penyanyi dan penulis lagu asal Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, usianya masih 16 tahun tapi diusianya yang muda ini dia sudah punya banyak karya di bidang musik. Karyanya dimulai dari youtube, dia mulai  bernyanyi pada tahun 2009 hingga sekarang, banyak lagunya yang hits dari setiap album yang dibuatnya, diantaranya yang sering saya dengar judulnya " All Day", "Got Me Good", "Pretty Brown Eyes", "La Da Dee" dan yang paling asyik saya suka "Summertime of our lives". Cody ini punya ciri khas dalam bernyanyi selain dari suara dan gaya bernyanyinya, misalnya dia selalu memasukkan kalimat "i like this right here", " la da di ", dan pengulangan-pengulangan beberapa kata dalam lirik lagunya, selain itu juga suara alunan gitar yang selalu ada disetiap musiknya. Ada hal yang baru saya pahami, karena Cody ini seorang atlit renang, dan berenang pasti kesukaannya, jadi dia memilih cover album bertema pantai berlangit biru di beberapa albumnya, kemudian video clip setiap hits-nya selalu bertema pantai, atau alam terbuka, dan itu pas sekali dengan setiap lagu indah yang dibuatnya. He's so simple,, pembawaannya yang sederhana dan juga ceria buat ciri khas bahwa dia masih Cody Simpson. 

"Summertime Of Our Lives"


Everyday at twilightWhen the sun turns red in the skyI think of you on that shorelineBrushing the hair from your eyesWe were drawing our names in the wet sandAnd running away as the tide rode in
Wherever you are, no matter how farI promise that I won't give up on youThey say out of sight means out of mindBut they couldn't be further from the truthCause I'm in love with youI'm still in love with you
Even if there is an oceanKeeping your heart from mineThat doesn't mean I'm not thinkingAbout you all the timeI'm counting the days till I see you,And somewhere I know that you are too
Wherever you are, no matter how farI promise that I won't give up on youThey say out of sight means out of mindBut they couldn't be further from the truthCause I'm in love with youI'm still in love with youOh oh oh
We had the summertime of our livesNothing has ever felt so rightThe summertime of our livesEven though, we had to say goodbyeI know when the water gets warmYou'll come back to me
Cause wherever you are, no matter how farI promise that I won't give up on youThey say out sight means out of mindThey couldn't be further from the truth
Wherever you are, no matter how farI promise that I won't give up on youThey say out of sight means out of mindThey couldn't be further from the truthI'm in love with youI'm still in love with youI'm still in love with youNo oh ohI'm still in love with youI'm still in love with you babeOh oh, oh oh, oh oh. yeahOh oh, oh oh, uh uhUh uh, uh uh, uh uhUh uh, uh uh, uh ohI'm still in love with youI'm still in loveI'm still in love with you, oh babeI'm still in love with youI'm still in love with you, no ohI'm in love with youUh oh, oh ohI'm still in love with youI'm still in love with you


Senin, 11 November 2013

New Song of My Diva Celine Dion 'Loved Me Back To Life'

Kapan lagi kita bisa dengar suara sang Diva, hanya di tahun 2013 ini. Akhirnya muncul juga sang Diva dengan album dan single barunya "Loved Me Back To Life", masih dengan suara indahnya lagu ini jernih sekali untuk di dengar, apalagi sudah lama dia tidak mengeluarkan album baru terakhir kali albumnya keluar pada tahun 2007. Setiap lagu Celine Dion itu selalu buat merinding, ada nilai sosial yang selalu dia bawa, selain tema percintaan. Dulu yang saya suka lagunya " I'm Your Angel" feat R Kelly, ini keren sekali. Meskipun sekarang usia Celine Dion 45 tahun, tapi dia masih tetap orang yang sederhana, dengan suara yang indah pula dan masih terus berkarya. 
Oh ya di album barunya ini Celine Dion duet dengan Ne-yo,wah menarik juga,,kita dengar saja lagunya dalam album ""Loved Me Back To Life". Mudah-mudahan 5 tahun, 10 tahun bahkan sampai 25 tahun ke depan Celine Dion masih terus bernyanyi. Amen for that. Saya masih beruntung bisa mendengarkan suara dari semua lagu-lagunya yang indah.

Loved Me Back To Life

I was walking dead stuck inside my headI couldn't get outTurn the lights downThe voices inside were so loud

Need a jump-start, catatoniaI couldn't feel,I wish that I could disappearThe voices inside were so real

But you stood by my side.Night after night, night after night.You loved me back to life, lifeFrom the coma,The wait is over.You loved me back to life, lifeFrom the coma,We're lovers again tonight.

Back to life, back to life, back to life, back to life, yeah

You woke me up, one touch and I felt aliveYou loved me back to life, back to life, thought I died.The voices inside were so quiet.

But you stood by my sideNight after night, night after nightYou loved me back to life, lifeFrom the coma,The wait is over.You loved me back to life, lifeFrom the coma,We're lovers again tonight.

Strong hand, thick skin and an open heartYou saw through the pain, saw through the maskYou never gave up on me, yeah

You loved me back to life, lifeFrom the coma,The wait is over.You loved me back to life, lifeFrom the coma,We're lovers again tonightBack to life, back to life, back to life, back to lifeBack to life. back to life, back to life, back to life


Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Prangko Bagian Dalam Perkembangan Teknologi

Hello...,minim ide. 
Mmmmm bagaimana jika topik kali ini bicara tentang prangko,.. 
Dulu prangko populer sekali, saya ingat waktu saya umur belasan tahun saya kolesi prangko (filateli), dari mulai gambar presiden,pahlawan, gedung, tanaman, bunga, hewan, perahu,dll, beraneka ragam dan warna-warni pula jumlahnya pun sudah lumayan kalau tidak salah mendekati seratus jumlahnya. Sayangnya semua prangko itu sudah dilupakan karena keberadaan prangko tsb sudah tak tau dimana,, atau mungkin sudah terbuang.
 Kali ini, topik mengenai prangko ini bisa dibilang kuno, apalagi di abad modern sekarang yang semua bicara teknologi. Tapi ternyata bagi sebagian orang termasuk saya, beranggapan bahwa prangko sebaiknya jangan dilupakan karena itu adalah bagian dari sejarah manusia dalam perjalanan panjang sebuah perkembangan teknologi.
Disini yang dibahas bukan dari sisi perkembangan teknologinya, tapi dari gambar prangko nya itu sendiri. Ada apa dengan si prangko nya itu sendiri,,,?! Nah, awalnya prangko di buat dari 1 ukuran, 1 warna, 1 gambar/motif/corak, 1 ide, monoton mungkin awalnya, kemudian berubah sedikit demi sedikit, dari beraneka ukuran, beraneka warna, beraneka gambar, beraneka ide, yang akhirnya muncul nilai seni/artistik/keunikan dari sebuah prangko sehingga memunculkan pula  rasa seni dari diri manusia untuk ingin mengkoleksi/memiliki prangko-prangko tersebut. Ide itu sangat mahal, apalagi ide membuat sebuah prangko dengan gambar yang unik dan baru itu cukup sulit terutama pada masanya. Dimulai dengan gambar biasa polos,kemudian gambar benda, hewan,tanaman, wajah, tokoh, hingga gambar unik lainnya, memunculkan nilai seni yang tinggi bahkan bagi para kolertor mereka dapat mengapresiasinya dengan nilai yang lebih tinggi pula. Kita sudah tahu bahwa ada prangko yang karena gambar, bahan, jumlahnya yang dibuat terbatas,dan tokoh tertentu dapat menyebabkan harga jualnya menjadi lebih tinggi, bahkan dapat memunculkan sebuah kontroversi pada masanya dan bahkan sejarah bernilai tinggi dimasa modern sekarang ini. Misalnya ada prangko yang dilapisi dengan berlian, ada prangko yang terbuat dari bahan tertentu, prangko gambar presiden, atau prangko yang sengaja di buat untuk mengenang tokoh tertentu (Lady Diana), dan ada pula prangko yang gambarnya bisa bergerak(warna),serta prangko dengan gambar paling sulit dan unik untuk dibuat. Selain hal-hal tersebut ternyata, ada pula prangko tertua yaitu prangko yang usianya paling tua dilihat dari tahun pertama dibuat hingga sekarang, yang memunculkan nilai artistik seni tinggi. Untuk megapresiasikannya ada beberapa orang, kelompok, organisasi, bahkan negara-negara di dunia menyimpan koleksi prangko mereka di dalam musium sejarahnya masing-masing. 


Minggu, 21 Juli 2013

Duet Taylor Swift dan Ed Sheeran

Waktu pertama kali dengar lagu ini di radio, wow taylor swift duet bareng siapa lagi nihh....?? Musiknya simple percussion, liriknya oke banget,, dan suara teman duet-nya keren juga..,, saya kira artis baru tapi langsung saya cek ternyata Edward C Sheeran (17 February 1991) profilnya wooow keren juga.. 

Di Inggris Ed Sheeran mulai berkarir tahun 2005, dia bisa bernyanyi, menulis lagu, produser, dan bisa main gitar, piano, percussion.
Ed Sheeran ini, banyak pula penghargaan yang diterimanya di Inggris, sekarang dia mulai menembus pasar Amerika Serikat. 
Nah saya mau tahu nih kenapa bisa bareng duet dengan taylor swift di single "Everything Has Change" album Red,,, ehmm setelah saya cari tahu begini ceritanya.,, 
Taylor tertarik sekali dengan suaranya Ed Sheeran, langsung saja taylor mengajak Ed Sreeran kolaborasi di lagu tsb,, dan ternyata hasilnya baguuusss yaaa...
 Ada lagi satu yang menarik dari Ed Sheeran, dia membuat tattoo bertuliskan "RED" sebagai kembagaannya telah berduet dengan Taylor, karena menurutnya ini adalah pembuka jalan pada kesuksesan baru, seperti ini peryataannya "I think Taylor's just opening up a lot of doors and it's up to me to make sure that I get through to them. It's a massive opportunity for me and I want to make sure to grab it with both hands ... It will be exciting to be back in a situation where I'm playing in front of people who are complete strangers and I have to win them over", jadi sukses deh untuk karir Ed Sheeran dan Taylor..

This is..


Taylor Swift feat Ed Sheeran

All I knew this morning when I woke
Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before
And all I've seen since 18 hours ago is green eyes and freckles and your smile in the back of my mind making me feel like
I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you know you know you

Cause all I know is we said hello
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name, everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and i'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed
And all my walls stood tall painted blue
But i'll take them down, take them down and open up the door for you
And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies the beautiful kind
Making up for lost time, taking flight, making me feel like

I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you know you know you

Cause all I know is we said hello
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name, everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and i'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed
Come back and tell me why
I'm feeling like i've missed you all this time
And meet me there tonight
And let me know that it's not all in my mind

I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you know you know you

Cause all I know is we said hello
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name, everything has changed
All I know is he held the door
You'll be mine and i'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

All I know is we said hello
So dust off your highest hopes
All I know is pouring rain
And everything has changed
All I know is a new found grace

All my days, i'll know your face
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed


Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

pocket full of soul --> miRor JustiN TimBerlaKe

ini lagu justin yang paling enak banget di dengar,,, biar ga lupa saya simpan liriknya diblog biar 5,10 atau 20 tahun lagi sy bisa ingat lagu ini,,,same like --> "the 20/20 experience"  justin's new title album.

Aren't you something to admire, 'cause your shine is something like a mirrorAnd I can't help but notice, you reflect in this heart of mineIf you ever feel alone and the glare makes me hard to findJust know that I'm always parallel on the other side

[Pre-Chorus]'Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soulI can tell you there's no place we couldn't goJust put your hand on the glass, I'm here trying to pull you throughYou just gotta be strong

[Chorus]'Cause I don't wanna lose you nowI'm looking right at the other half of meThe vacancy that sat in my heartIs a space that now you holdShow me how to fight for nowAnd I'll tell you, baby, it was easyComing back into you once I figured it outYou were right here all alongIt's like you're my mirrorMy mirror staring back at meI couldn't get any biggerWith anyone else beside of meAnd now it's clear as this promiseThat we're making two reflections into one'Cause it's like you're my mirrorMy mirror staring back at me, staring back at me

[Verse 2]Aren't you something, an original, 'cause it doesn't seem merely assembledAnd I can't help but stare 'cause I see truth somewhere in your eyesOoh I can't ever change without you, you reflect me, I love that about youAnd if I could, I would look at us all the time

[Pre-Chorus]'Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soulI can tell you there's no place we couldn't goJust put your hand on the glass, I'm here trying to pull you throughYou just gotta be strong

[Chorus]'Cause I don't wanna lose you nowI'm looking right at the other half of meThe vacancy that sat in my heartIs a space that now you holdShow me how to fight for nowAnd I'll tell you, baby, it was easyComing back into you once I figured it outYou were right here all alongIt's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at meI couldn't get any biggerWith anyone else beside of meAnd now it's clear as this promiseThat we're making two reflections into one'Cause it's like you're my mirrorMy mirror staring back at me, staring back at me

[Break]Yesterday is historyTomorrow's a mysteryI can see you looking back at meKeep your eyes on meBaby, keep your eyes on me

[Chorus]'Cause I don't wanna lose you nowI'm looking right at the other half of meThe vacancy that sat in my heartIs a space that now you holdShow me how to fight for now (show me baby)And I'll tell you, baby, it was easyComing back into you once I figured it outYou were right here all alongIt's like you're my mirrorMy mirror staring back at meI couldn't get any biggerWith anyone else beside of meAnd now it's clear as this promiseThat we're making two reflections into one'Cause it's like you're my mirrorMy mirror staring back at me, staring back at me


You are you are the love of my life (x 10)

[Verse 3]Now you're the inspiration for this precious songAnd I just wanna see your face light up since you put me onSo now I say goodbye to the old me, it's already goneAnd I can't wait wait wait wait wait to get you homeJust to let you know, you are

You are you are the love of my life (x 8)

[Verse 4]Girl you're my reflection, all I see is youMy reflection, in everything I doYou're my reflection and all I see is youMy reflection, in everything I do

You are you are the love of my life (x 16)